Workshops and Events

Hello – a warm welcome to you.

If you have arrived here at To Touch The World, you may be looking for guidance, inspiration, connection, understanding – you may just be curious but something led you here.

In facilitating these workshops my intent is give back the understanding I have been given in thirty-eight years of teaching and learning.

To all those who are genuinely seeking to know themselves, who long  to live with more awareness – to embrace life fully and courageously, I look forward to meeting you.

These one day retreats are available for group bookings – friends, colleagues or family  (Minimum 5 – Maximum 15) and can be tailored to suit your requirements.

Contact To Touch the World for more information and arrange dates and times.

Love and Blessings,


One Day Retreats

These one-day retreats – each with a different theme – meander through changing landscapes of self-discovery.


Yoga              Meditation             Relaxation              Creative Expression              Connection                Nature             Nourishment and Nurture

Morning tea and lunch provided.

Love changes your body;

creates joyful pathways in your brain;

softens your face;

removes the stubbornness from your muscles

and sends rivers of gratitude through your nerves and veins.

Love makes your heart beat strong and steadfast in compassion;

lets your lungs welcome your breath as food;

ignites a gentle yet powerful fire in the centre of your core.

Love blends both feminine and masculine, so they may dance as one;

puts purpose in your steps,

gentleness in your hands

and light in your eyes.

Why are you not in love now?

It will not come to you wrapped in tissue and promises;

those promises will fade.

Love awaits you;

awaits your recognition;

awaits your willingness to allow its governance in you.

Create your perfect body as you will

but a body without love at the core of all its doing,

a body that does not know tender, divine love as its sustenance,

is a body deprived of joy.

© to touch the world